Feb 25, 2012
Movie Meltdown - Episode 163
This week we welcome director Scooter Downey and actors Sean Elliot and Rose Sirna to sit-in with us and tell us about their movie "It's in the Blood". (Which also stars show favorite Lance Henriksen.) Oh... and they just happen to fall right in line with our usual geeky conversations. It's...
Feb 17, 2012
Movie Meltdown - Episode 162
Feb 11, 2012
Movie Meltdown - Episode 161
This week we drop back into the middle of The Grind where we are discussing “Traumatic Movies”. And somewhere during our dealing with all the mental scars, we also mention… technology is usurping humanity, Return of the Jedi, The Butterfly Effect, Wild at Heart, The Final Destination...
Feb 4, 2012
Movie Meltdown - Episode 160
This week we fling open the doors to the coffee shop and expand the cast to a bigger and better level! And what better way to welcome the new members to the show, then to immerse them into trauma. That’s right, this week we kick off another session of The Grind where we...