Apr 9, 2016
Movie Meltdown - Episode 343
This week we hang out at the bastion, discuss some things we've seen lately and then we take it upon ourselves to sit down to watch Avalanche Sharks. Thankfully we stumble upon an amazing "second screen experience" that almost makes the whole movie worthwhile.
And as we fall down a rabbit hole full of titles of "other" movies, we also discuss... Negasonic Teenage Warhead, American Horror Story, the Mystic Seer devil, He Never Died, Emma Roberts, Clancy Brown, Daredevil, he likes him some Famke Janssen, Attack of the Killer Doughnuts, Deadpool, Leonardo DiCaprio v Lady Gaga, Shakespeare with no tentacles... no rocket ships, I'm a button masher... through and through, in a Robitussin coma, Eric from True Blood's brother, also known as... stupid, I'm pretty sure I could fit one hand around her throat, I'm gonna keep hammering at this until someone makes me a useful superhero, hey... you wanna be in a movie?, having a subscription to Solider of Fortune magazine, dino ice demon ghost sharks, thrust into this stupid adult world, an undeveloped siamese twin, gun safety, Henry Rollins, orange blood, Bait, no amount of Milk Bones is worth this, buying comic books at the drug store, Sand Sharks, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, swoopy-hair girl, IDPA, your brain works in mysterious ways, and we never saw pee girl again, being a mercenary, Gina Holden, Ryan Reynolds and The Squeals of Ticklish Nice Girls.
Spoiler Alert: Ha... like you can spoil this movie.
"I mean... this is way more entertaining then that movie was!"