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We are a movie-themed podcast! Each episode is filled with a dealer's choice of interviews with interesting actors, filmmakers and other guests as well as lengthy discussions of specific movies. Plus our own brand of ridiculous humor with conversations about trends in Hollywood and changes in the film industry.

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Jun 7, 2021

Movie Meltdown - Episode 552 (For our Patreon "Horror Club")

This episode we discuss The Forest the 2016 horror film starring Natalie Dormer and, well... a bunch of trees. And while we try to talk over the drone of Cicadas outside, we also address… twinsense, Psycho, 11.22.63, Jason Zada, The Three Stooges, Storm of the Century, Aokigahara Forest, lining up a tennis shoe sponsorship, a temporary morgue, there should be a way to strap that down, Yahoo Serious, jump scares, power bars, Tomax and Xamot, dream sequences, she was always chasing a Japanese schoolgirl, Australia, I have to side with the trees on this one, Robert Rodriguez, moving dead bodies, The Corsican Brothers, Blazing Stewardesses, eating tacos in Tokyo, hallucinating things with the dude, the coolest, creepiest setting, looking like your twin, Stephen King, drug smugglers, CGI demon, closing credits, a moving river, demon red eyes and snack chips from other lands.

Spoiler Alert: Full spoilers for “The Forest”, so go watch the movie before you listen. You have been warned.

“That’s the coolest, creepiest setting… it’s real - they didn’t make that up. Like, that’s an actual place.”

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