Sep 4, 2017
Movie Meltdown - Episode 408 (For our Patreon supporters.)
This week we continue with our Super
Series exclusively for our Meltdown Club
members, as we discuss Logan - the grim
finale to the Wolverine story arc. And with such a radically
different approach to comic book movies, we look at how this film
affects all the previous movies featuring Wolverine? And in
general... are we ok with heroes that kill? Plus we examine our
thoughts on The Defenders and our first impressions of the
new version of The Tick.
And as we all realize we're falling apart, we also we also
discuss... stabbing guys in the head, Daredevil, that complexity of
morality, Sigourney Weaver, I have to be a grown-up, how many
episodes, Dumbledore, Netflix shows, Las Vegas, show up and die in
one movie, being a sociopath, she never showed her power, Stranger
Things Season 2, Jessica Jones, Shane, there's no hope, Thanos,
combat he feels comfortable with - socializing...that's a
challenge, Deadpool, normcore, some analytical version, Legion,
big-ass cars... desert... no water, Batman, gleefully killing
people, gore and gore, why even bother trying to learn how to
socialize, the darkest timeline, Luke Cage, Anakin, three Joker
movies, Iron Fist, you aren't even in control of how dangerous you
are and living in a dystopia.
Spoiler Alert:
Lots of spoilers for Logan, so see the movie before you
" seems like I saw a lot of different people with opinions
about what this thing was about. I guess... the core story is
simple enough that you can apply it to other things."