Nov 20, 2017
Movie Meltdown - Episode 419 (For our Patreon supporters.)
This week we discuss Lost After Dark, Rest Stop and Stranger Things all before addressing this week's Sofa Theater feature - the 1988 film Lady in White directed by Frank LaLoggia. Once considered by some to be a "family-friendly" movie, we look at this sometimes surreal film that's filled with many, many inappropriate (and confusing) things. So we try to iron out all the details as we also make a list of items to add to potential childhood trauma. Plus we have the long-awaited "It" novel wrap-up. Was it worth all the time invested in reading it?! Listen and you'll hear for yourself.
Plus as we dial it up to 11 on most of our topics, we also bring up... warmongering art kid, having Pop Rocks for the first time, it seemed a lot darker... and a lot more dense, somebody's not obviously the monster sometimes, oh it's got kids in it, Katherine Helmond, I painted the figures, maybe she was still on fire, Dusty and Dart, The Bangles playing in the garage, looks like a frickin' ghoul, I felt the drugs that he was on, Judge Doom, Lukas Haas, a bitchin' camaro, a giant spider, Terry Gilliam, scales of Winona Ryder, walking from my house to the school bus, like kids or hate kids, finger painting with blood, Stephen King's greatest fear, kids are jerks, I'm not a Parapsychologist, Slim Pickens is a robot, 80's slashers, a stage play, as scary as Mona, my mind revisits that, Mr. Boogedy, just a little unconcise, take your handbook and go wait over there, Something Wicked This Way Comes, you expected it to be more fantasy and not more real life, a bad, out-of-shape T-1000, this whole thing is disturbing, Uncle Phil, it's portayed almost kind of like a ghost story... but then you realize - the ghost isn't the f-ing problem... it's people, The Black Hole, they got beat... after being choked and set on fire, child-molesting murders... you get extreme racism, you could have thrown her off a different cliff, horror references, that transition from Halloween to Christmas, hammering her face with his fist, we all have a cloakroom right, it was very dark... it was very scary, but yeah, just when you think it couldn't get any creepier... any more disturbing, creepy archery, and he gets this whole little ghost show, time flies by, visably choking, what if it was like that when we were kids... but when your kids - it seemed differt... you see it through different eyes, Tim Curry and Mystery Oreos.
Spoiler Alert: Random spoilers for Lost After Dark and full spoilers for Lady in White. So go watch at least Lady in White for spoiler-free listening. You have been warned!
"... it's all of that! It is fantasy. And it is ghosts. And it is real life. And it is traumatizing!"