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We are a movie-themed podcast! Each episode is filled with a dealer's choice of interviews with interesting actors, filmmakers and other guests as well as lengthy discussions of specific movies. Plus our own brand of ridiculous humor with conversations about trends in Hollywood and changes in the film industry.

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Jul 28, 2019

Attack of the Killer Soundtrack 57 

This week we're coming to you ”live” from this year's Forecastle music festival. Join us as we build a soundtrack from the bands playing the event. Plus we are joined by our special guest - singer/songwriter Israel Nash

And while we are deputized to be on the lookout for unscrupulous teens, we also mention… an Australian accent, the music is everywhere, insect wings, Jennifer Carpenter, in glitter and bikini tops, a desert planet, ducks, put on your sunscreen, Beavis and Butthead, a feeling of happiness when we’re in nature, their background screen, being extra weird, Will Smith, a cop drama, unscrupulous teenagers, the cycle of every five years, whatever it was that was over here has eaten all of these, slacker punks, under a truck, goth Spider-Man, Hailee Steinfeld, not being able to love someone anymore, you get the birds, Sonic the Hedgehog, if you ever wanna feel old, John Cage, wrestling with fourteen-year-olds, Jet Ski, in the privacy of my own home, the Google universe, I'm concocting this monster in my head, it looked at me, Judd Apatow, trying to be unusual, compound out in Texas, dead fish, Milwaukee, bring your ideas together and an awesome reverb tank. 

“...swimming pools and hot tubs and studios, I mean - it’s just a playground!”

For more on Forecastle, go to: 

For more about Israel Nash, go to: