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We are a movie-themed podcast! Each episode is filled with a dealer's choice of interviews with interesting actors, filmmakers and other guests as well as lengthy discussions of specific movies. Plus our own brand of ridiculous humor with conversations about trends in Hollywood and changes in the film industry.

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Sep 25, 2024

Movie Meltdown - Episode 632 (For our Patreon "Horror Club")

Join us as the horror club discusses She Beast, directed by Michael Reeves and starring Barbara Steele, John Karlsen and Ian Ogilvy.

And while we try to decide our favorite thing about Ghost Toast, we also mention… Sarah Squirm, pumpkins, Longlegs, Dr....

Sep 4, 2024

Movie Meltdown - Episode 631

This episode we sit down with Max Neace, a writer, director and producer originally from our neighborhood. So listen as we find out how he took his interest in film from shooting YouTube videos to getting his own feature films made. Plus we discuss the conception and challenging execution...