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We are a movie-themed podcast! Each episode is filled with a dealer's choice of interviews with interesting actors, filmmakers and other guests as well as lengthy discussions of specific movies. Plus our own brand of ridiculous humor with conversations about trends in Hollywood and changes in the film industry.

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Sep 20, 2021

Movie Meltdown - Episode 561 (For our Patreon "Horror Club")

This outing we discuss Let Sleeping Corpses Lie or The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue or possibly Don't Open the Window… or some sort of ‘70s zombie movie. 

And while we question the competency of the police, we also bring up… Mom and Dad, Evil Genius, Sands of Oblivion, homicidal infants, Jack Webb, the weird statue, Nicolas Cage, you can get heroin anywhere, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Jorge Grau, sonic radiation, George Kennedy, the shelf life of drugs, I am proud and disguised of myself, Willy's Wonderland, I’m mad about apples, Sci-Fi vs SyFy, corrupt cops, innovative ways for pest control, they are very organized for mindless creatures, melee on the football field, a metal collider on a long stick the machine, as you’re being murdered… just being right, it makes parents kill their children, Cecil B. DeMille, outwitted by a hand towel and the MacGuffin baby.

Spoiler Alert: Full spoilers for Let Sleeping Corpses Lie or whatever title you want to refer to it as… you have been warned.

“I feel like somebody had three different scripts laying around that they never finished and just jammed them all together.”